Organizational Assessments
OLA 360◦
The OLA360°** is a web-based review tool that facilitates anonymous, multi-angle performance assessment of both individuals and organizations. Individuals can be reviewed from the perspective of self, manager, coworkers, customers and direct reports. These reviews provide concrete, results-based feedback and encourages open interaction and communication – driving strategies for personal and professional improvement for everyone in your organization.
OLA360°** Key Themes and Values
1 ) Building a Healthy organization: Building individual and group capacity
- Displays authenticity
- Values people
- Builds community
- Provides leadership
- Shares leadership
2) Building a Learning organization: Building individual and group skills
- Develops people
- Seeks personal and professional
development - Innovates and displays creativity
- Solves problems through
effective decision making and
involving others in the process. - Deals effectively with conflict
3) Building a Growing organization: Fulfilling individual and group potential
- Plans and implements work
- Fully utilizes technical
competencies - Achieves meaningful results
- Meets or exceeds customer
**These assessments are implemented in cooperation with Dr. Jim Laub, the OLAgroup and InterDyn BMI.