Calculators |
Sales Volume Break-Even Analyzer How many units of your product must be sold to make a profit. See a detailed list of the profit generated at each sales volume level.
Commercial Loan Calculator Use this calculator to see if you qualify for a new commercial loan by evaluating your debt service coverage.
Cash Flow Calculator Having adequate cash flow is essential to keep your business running. Use this calculator to help you determine the cash flow generated by your business.
Working Capital Calculator Working capital essential to running your business. This calculator assists you in determining your working capital needs for the next year.
Profit Margin Calculator This calculator helps you determine the selling price for your products to achieve a desired profit margin.
Lease Vs. Buy Analyzer Should you lease or buy your equipment? Use this interactive problem solver to find out!
Financial Ratios Financial ratios are used as indicators that allow you to zero in on areas of your business that may need attention. Take a look at 10 different financial ratios in areas such as solvency, liquidity, operational efficiency and profitability.
Marketing Campaign Profitability Analyzer Analyze the return on a direct marketing campaign. This interactive calculator will help you determine if your marketing plan will be profitable.
Inventory Analysis This calculator helps you determine how much inventory you should hold, and when you should place inventory orders.
Business Valuation This calculator creates a possible market valuation for your business by determining how much your future cash flow is worth today.